Job safety Analysis

Job safety analysis:

Job Safety Analysis (JSA’s) is a process of determining physical requirements, environmental conditions and safety factors relating to a specific job or task. JSA’s are best used for stationary or repetitive production tasks or product movement, in which the job, equipment and work environment change very little.

A job hazard analysis is a technique that focuses on job tasks as a way to identify hazards before they occur. It focuses on the relationship between the worker, the task, the tools, and the work environment. Ideally, after you identify uncontrolled hazards, you will take steps to eliminate or reduce them to an acceptable risk level.

Value of a job hazard analysis:

Supervisors can use the findings of a job hazard analysis to eliminate and prevent hazards in their workplaces. This is likely to result in fewer worker injuries and illnesses; safer, more effective work methods; reduced workers' compensation costs; and increased worker productivity. The analysis also can be a valuable tool for training new employees in the steps required to perform their jobs safely.

For a job hazard analysis to be effective, management must demonstrate its commitment to safety and health and follow through to correct any uncontrolled hazards identified. Otherwise, management will lose credibility and employees may hesitate to go to management when dangerous conditions threaten them.

Jobs are appropriate for a job safety / hazard analysis?

  • A job hazard analysis can be conducted on many jobs in your workplace. Priority should go to the following types of jobs: Jobs with the highest injury or illness rates;
  • Jobs with the potential to cause severe or disabling injuries or illness, even if there is no history of previous accidents;
  • Jobs in which one simple human error could lead to a severe accident or injury;
  • Jobs that are new to your operation or have undergone changes in processes and procedures; and
  • Jobs complex enough to require written instructions.
  • Job Safety Analysis or JSA is simply a procedure used to review job methods and uncover hazards that may have been overlooked in the layout of the plant or building and in the design of the machinery, equipment, tools, work stations and processes, or that may have developed after production started, or that resulted from changes in work procedures or personnel.It's one of the first steps in hazard and accident analysis and in safety training.
  • It's really simple. Once the hazards are known, the proper solutions can be developed. Some solutions may be physical changes that eliminate or control the hazard, such as placing a safeguard over exposed moving machine parts. Others may be job procedures that eliminate or minimize the hazard.
  • Most of the information needed for a Job Saety Analysis, such as environmental conditions, physical requirements and required personal protective equipment is very easy to determine.  The more difficult part is listing the steps for a particular task and identifying the necessary safety steps. 
  • A Job Safety Analysis is not difficult to perform. You can make up your own form, for your specific equipment, processes or machinery.  

Job Safety Analysis Worksheet:

  • Use this information to actually create a Job Safety Analysis Training Guide, for training employees.
  • The Job Safety Analysis Worksheet guide is the result of analyzing each specific job in your organization, so when it comes time for training, all the information relating to the job and the safe method of completing the job is documented.
  • This training guide can serve as a checklist for documentation of the training. It can be completed by the person conducting the training, or the individual's supervisor, to ensure all safety aspects, potential hazards and recommended safe job procedures are explained to the individual being trained.
  • Many companies fail to use Job Safety Analysis because it takes time and effort to analyze each specific piece of equipment and job.
  • The truth of the matter is, it's more cost effective to perform Job Safety Analysis because it saves time, money and certainly reduces accidents and injuries.
  • JSA gives individuals training in safe, efficient procedures. It increases safety awareness, it improves job training, especially for new employees and overall improves productivity. It's worth the time and effort you spend in analyzing each specific job.


Forms and documents available for developing SOPs and JSAs are

  • Job Safety Analysis Form
  • Job Safety Analysis Task Steps
  • Task Hazard Assessment Worksheet
  • Task Hazard Prevention & Control Worksheet 

SOP Process:

A Safe Operating Procedure consists of:  

  • A written step by step procedure for a specific task.
  • A description of possible hazards & cautions.
  • Hazard Control steps.
  • List of required personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Qualifications required for the operation.
  • SOP’s may be permanently posted or consist of multi-page instructions that are to be reviewed prior to each time a qualified person performs the task.

SOP’s are developed and completed by the following steps:

1. Draft Development of SOPs.

2. Review and approval of SOPs .

3. Implementation of SOPs .

4. Review and updating SOPs.

5. Periodic Training using SOPs

JSA Process:

A Job Safety Analysis consist of:

1. Job Physical Requirements.

2. Job Environmental Conditions.

3. Personal Protective Equipment required.

4. Sequence of Basic Job Steps.

5. Potential Accident or Hazards associated with each step.

6. Safe Job Practice for each step

Job Safety Analysis are completed through the followings steps:

1. Development of JSA’s

2. Review and approval of JSA’s

3. Implementation of JSA’s

4. Review and updating JSA’s

5. Periodic Training using JSA’s

Development of JSA/SOP:

There are many ways to develop JSA/SOPs, however, observation and team approach has proven the most reliable. By watching the tasks, the observer can see first hand what is required, recognize the hazards and recommend alternatives. Below is the sequence used to develop a JSA/SOP:

1. Select the most experienced employee to observe.

2. Explain the purpose of your observations.

3. Observe the task and define the steps used to complete the assignment.

4. Record the basic steps.

5. Review the steps with the observed Employee for clarity.

6. Observe the task a second time and identify any hazard potentials and record the findings. Hazard types include: Impact Contact with Chemicals Caught on or between Lacerations Burns Fall or Slip Over exertion Cumulative Trauma.

7. Observe the task a third time to develop corrective measures to all